Let’s professionalize all things WP, and take over.

We had a quick chat with Per Andre Rønsen, the CTO of our sponsor Frontkom, about WordPress, the WordPress community and what they do to contribute.

What does your organization do?

We make websites and apps

How do you help support WordPress enthusiasts and professionals?

We do too little

What kind of client would be a good fit for you, and who wouldn’t?

Good fit: Universites, health sector, magazines, marketing heavy sites. Bad fit: Small clients.

How does your organization contribute to WordPress and the WordPress community?

We do open source code

What’s your best WordPress tip or trick?

Use our WP-CLI build setup to manage updates 🙂

What’s your biggest pain with WordPress, and how would you change it

Unstructured database. Not sure.

How do you see the future of WordPress?

Cater more to enterprise and big players?

Anything else you would like to tell the Norwegian WordPress community?

Thanks for your contributions! Let’s professionalize all things WP, and take over.

The best WordCamp ever(?)

That’s correct, our ambition is to make the best WordCamp ever.  Ballsy, right? But, we have all it takes to do reach that ambition. We’re working to give you a whole new experience, but still keeping the things that make a WordCamp great.

Let’s start with the venue for conference day, Kulturhuset. We believe Kulturhuset is the perfect venue for a WordCamp in Oslo. It’s a place where some of us in the organizing team like to go when we need to get out of the office and work somewhere else. It’s not the traditional conference venue, with the corporate and strict feeling. It’s a bit more intimate and cosy. We feel like it’s the perfect home for WordCamp Oslo.

We’ll transform Kulturhuset, and it’s three floors, into WordCamp house for conference day. The whole schedule will be located at WordCamp house, including the afterparty. In addition to getting great drinks, beer and meeting the awesome people from the WordPress community at the afterparty, we’ll also try to lure out your competitive spirit with a shuffleboard competition.

Image credit: www.jankhur.com

The presentations at conference day will happen across two tracks. For those who don’t like to sit quietly for an hour or so at a time, we’ll stream the presentations to screens all around the house. You’ll find booths and places you can relax, work, or have a private discussion all over the venue. In other words, there will be no need to go anywhere else.

We also have a contributor day planned, which will be held at our Diamond sponsor Dekode’s office. For those of you who join us for contributor day, and I hope many of you will, we’ll have workshops and different a few discussion groups where you can discuss and attack a variety of topics regarding WordPress.

Last but not least, to wrap up this awesome weekend we’ll have the traditional Community day. A day where we do a fun activity somewhere in Oslo, for the sole reason of having fun.

Now, is there any reason you can think of not to join us at WordCamp Oslo? I mean besides that Oslo is cold in March. I bet you can’t think of even one.

Join us! Get your ticket today. Or, maybe you would like to speak? Then we’d love to get an application from you.

Hope to see you in Oslo.

All the best,

Thomas Audunhus
Lead Organizer


WordCamp Oslo 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!